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Relationships can be a challenging and rewarding aspect of life. It's not uncommon to experience difficulties along the way, wondering why you can't seem to find the connection you desire, feeling uncertain if the relationship you are in is right for you, or feeling like the same things always go wrong. If you're struggling with these challenges, psychotherapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship patterns.

We'll examine your behaviors in relationships and explore how you relate to others. We'll work together to identify the root causes of your relationship issues and explore how past experiences may be impacting your present beliefs and behaviors. Through this process, you'll gain insight into what your desires are and compassion for how you relate to others.

In addition to exploring romantic relationships, therapy can also help you examine how you relate to all the people in your life, including family, friends, and colleagues. Over time, themes may emerge that can help us make sense of your inner conflicts and identify what you want more of in your relationships. We can also begin to understand how you are contributing to these patterns and what you are hoping to change.

In therapy, we can work together to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships, and find a path towards more satisfying connections.

I also work with couples, partners, and people in relationships who want to explore their relationship together. To learn more about couples and relationship therapy, click here.

Deciding to pursue psychotherapy can be an important turning point. For many, it is one of the best investments of their life. Please reach out and we can schedule a free 20 minute consultation to see if we would be a good fit to work together. I do my best to return all calls and emails within 24 hours. I look forward to getting to know you and your unique circumstances.

Individual psychotherapy sessions are held weekly, however, we may decide to meet more frequently based on your needs. My rate is $225 per 50 minute session. I am an out-of-network provider and can provide you with a superbill to submit to your PPO plan for reimbursement. I offer a limited number of sliding scale spots. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.